
I believe anyone and everyone should have the experience of learning to play an instrument.  Music is an activity that requires and develops mind and body awareness and control.  Regardless of natural ability or talent, all students benefit from the process and the lifelong habits and skills that are achieved through continued study and application of the learned techniques.

~Bonnie Synhorst

The studio is a working environment.  Students should come prepared to be challenged to think beyond their expectations.  Successes are celebrated, but failure is not only expected but welcomed.  It is important to learn that failure is part of life and doesn't occur when the mind and body are not being challenged and pushed to higher limits.  It's ok to make mistakes as long as we learn from them and grow!

There are many avenues for study and no two students learn or understand things exactly the same.  Individual private lessons allow each student's learning style and needs to be addressed.  Each student will learn and progress at their own rate.  Methods are chosen with each student's interests and tastes in mind.  Piano methods currently used in studio are Piano Pronto, Faber & Faber, Piano Safari, and Supersonics.  Ear training and reading activities are also utilized.

In addition to piano study, guitar, violin, clarinet, flute, and saxophone lessons are also offered.